Aug 28, 2012

Facebook: recent or top stories?

Facebook keeps showing you those wall posts that are pushed to the TOP (i.e. massively liked and commented on) in preference to others, unless you specifically choose 'MOST RECENTLY' and refresh that choice every two days. This must be fb’s way of promoting those who spend all their time chatting-shatting on fb instead of doing anything useful. The downside for us is that we tend to miss out on the updates from our genuine friends that might interest us more than the regurgitated and recycled pearls-of-wisdom images floating to the top.

To outsmart fb, do this:
-On 'Home' page, just below the update status box, to the right, is an option in smart grey letters- 'sort:'
-Click on it and you'll find 2 options- Recent, Top. Click on the one you need.
-Check every few days. In all probability, the RECENT option will have mysteriously changed to TOP. In which case, repeat this exercise. 

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